- Topics & Trends
- Quality & Standards
- Beauty & Design
- Environmental Advantages
- Weather Resistance
- Efficient Thermal Insulation
- High Sound Insulation
- Zero Water Penetration
- Maximum Wind Resistance
- Material & Structural Performance
- Protection Against Burglary
- Termite Resistance
- Behaviour in Case of Fire
- Long Life And Maintenance free
Maximum Wind Resistance

to their excellent material properties, Koemmerling uPVC window and door systems are ideal for being installed in buildings close to the sea where they are permanently exposed to strong wind, heavy rain and salty air.
Koemmerling windows have passed several severe tests by official institutions. All window types are capable of withstanding the tests specified in European Standards EN 12207, EN 12208 and EN 12210 (Wind, water and structural requirements of uPVC windows).